Sequins and Sea Breezes: Weekending



Happy Monday friends! I don't know why but I am not quite ready to start the week. I didn't have a particularly late evening last night but I just feel like the weekends are not nearly long enough. I have a new employee starting this week which should take some of the pressure off me but I have a feeling this week might be a little busy until she gets trained in. Until then, linking up with Biana for my weekend recap. 

Starting my weekend on Thursday because I headed to my first NHL game Thursday after work. We had club seats so we had a blast eating and drinking all the things and the Lightning won!

Friday I worked a long day from home and ended up just making dinner at home before calling it a night.

Saturday we were up bright and early for our final UCF home game of the season. We have one more game left but next weekend we can't go so it was fitting my last UCF home game was my first time watching UCF play Cincinnati (my home town).

Sunday after some errands, we met up with Kerri for our annual corn maze in Mt. Dora. After we found our way out (in about 30 mins, yeah, we're awesome like that!) we headed to downtown Mt. Dora for some drinks. I have to admit, I love Mt. Dora! It's such a cute little city! 

Hope everyone has a fantastic week!

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  1. funny and relaxing week end

  2. Looks like a fun weekend! A corn maze sounds awesome!! I haven't been to one in years. Have a great week!

  3. I don't love watching hockey on TV, but it is so much fun in person!

  4. I feel like everything is flying by, weekends included especially when you look at how fast college football has flown by!! So glad you had a fun weekend and I've only ever been to 2 hockey games, but watching them in the suite is always fun! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Lots of sports this weekend (and maybe you can count the 30 min corn maze as a sport too? haha) and a fun end to it all!

  6. Another awesome weekend! And think of all the steps you got in the corn maze!

  7. Oh I love hockey games, and miss them since we sold the Thrashers. Looks like a fun weekend, hope work goes well this week!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  8. I love hockey games, so glad you had fun at your first NHL game! Who were they playing? I feel the same way today, I woke up so tired and not ready to roll out of bed quite yet.

  9. I had a three day weekend and still wasn't ready for Monday! Ugh! How cool that you got to watch them play Cinci! Have a great week!

  10. You look like you had a wonderful weekend! You always have the best weekends! I love your comment on insta so glad we are friends now! Happy Monday!

  11. not a bad weekend indeed. now only if we could sleep through the night ha. i cant believe that football is nearing the end and i'm not a fan! had such a blast yesterday love! happy monday :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  12. So random but I was just thinking yesterday how we didn't do a corn maze this year--we normally do them around Halloween! Looks like such a fun weekend!

  13. You and Kerri were so cute in your matching plaid at the corn maze! I love Mount Dora and was just thinking I needed to visit when I am home for Thanksgiving!

  14. Perfect kind of fall weekend: football games & corn mazes. Enjoy your week!

  15. Sounds like it was a great weekend. So jealous that you girls went to a corn maze. So fun.

  16. I remember the days/weeks of training people- it makes for a hectic time at the office for sure. Good luck, and hopefully things get easier once they are all up to speed :) So fun that you got to see an NHL game, I've never been to one!!

  17. Sounds like a fun weekend with so many exciting sporting events and then topping it off with a corn maze! Have a great week xo Beautifully Candid

  18. Weekends definitely go too fast nowadays! But regardless, I hope you have a great week! :)

    Enclothed Cognition

  19. What a fun weekend! I haven't been to a corn maze in forever. 30 minutes is impressive! Happy Monday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  20. Oh new people is always a joy...NOT!
    I know it takes a lot but at least once it gets done, it's so much easier.
    Hoping you have a good and easy week.
    Glad you had a good weekend!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  21. I was loving all your snaps from Mt. Dora - it looks like the cutest town. Yay for hockey games, my favorite! Happy Monday!

  22. The hockey game sounds like a blast and so does the corn maze! What a fun time!

  23. The club level at the game is seriously the best way to see them play!

  24. How fun that you got to go to your first NHL game, and in style of course! I haven't been to Scott's Corn Maze in a few years, and definitely need to make it happen next year. Cheers to a fabulous week gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  25. What a great weekend! I have never been to an NHL game, what fun! I have not done a corn maze in years, need to do that again. Good luck with the new employee!

  26. That corn maze sounds so fun! And so does the hockey! Monday's come wayyyyy too fast :(

  27. I've never been to a professional hockey game, but what better way to take one in than in the club level? The corn maze sounds like so much fun, and I don't think that I would have made it out of there as quickly as y'all did!

  28. It sounds like you had an amazing weekend!! Going to hockey games is one of my favorite sporting events too!

  29. This looks like such an amazing weekend! I love going to Hockey games.

    xo, Christina

  30. I have to agree Mt Dora really is awesome to walk around and explore the cute downtown. I really need to get my butt over there to check out their corn maze since I've never been to one! Do they change up the maze every year?

  31. I love y'all's outfits for the corn maze, so cute! I remember Emily posting about Mt. Dora a while back and it looks like such a cute little town! Hope your week treats you well girl!

  32. A fab weekend, indeed! I feel like the weekends and the days are shorter. I blame iton the time change! ;) I am putting down corn maze on my list for next yr!

  33. That's a perfect, relaxing weekend! Good luck this week!

  34. What an awesome weekend-- it looked like the corn maze was so much fun and the perfect way to spend a fall day (even if it was hot, haha).

  35. What a fun weekend, babe! I love that coffee mug, too. ;)

    Le Stylo Rouge

  36. Today is my Monday so adulting is very hard! looks like y'all had a great weekend!

    Southern Style

  37. Mount Dora looks like the cutest place! One of my friends here is from there, and now I can definitely see why she misses it! What a great weekend :)

    Meg, Borrowed Heaven

  38. aw so fun! hockey games are the best. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  39. My first hockey game was a Lightning one too! Our friend used to work in Marketing for them and hooked us up when we went on club level and Bacardi dollars at the Bacardi lounge. I don't remember much of that night, hahahaha. Your corn maze trip looks fun, you guys are too cute!

  40. What a fun weekend! I haven't been to a NHL game in years! Good luck with your new employee and I hope you get some relief from work once she gets trained soon!


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