Sequins and Sea Breezes: October Birchbox Review

October Birchbox Review


I feel like it's been awhile since I did a Birchbox review. Mainly because I obviously haven't had the best luck with the products I've been receiving but this month seems to be better so I figured why not do a review? I'm definitely still looking to try out another box but I am glad Birchbox seems to be stepping up their game and giving out better product samples. I just wish the samples were a bit bigger!

1. Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Super Antioxidant Concentrate Serum -  Wow, that's a real mouthful! This was probably one of my favorite samples I received this month. It definitely makes my skin feel smooth and soft. I was worried about the serum being greasy but it felt more like a dry oil which was nice. The sample size definitely wasn't big enough to determine the effectiveness against wrinkles but it's definitely refreshing for my skin.
2. SAGE + fasten Rollerball Collection - I got the Onward sample which I actually absolutely love. It's a blend of grapefruit, melon, green apple, lemon and cucumber. It's very light and refreshing, it smells a bit overpowering in the rollerball but once it's on it's the perfect day scent when you want to smell natural without being too perfume-y.
3. Coastal Scents Revealed 2 Palette - This palette reminds me very much so of the Naked 2 palette but with more colors. There are a lot of gorgeous, shimmery colors but a lot of colors I wouldn't necessarily use daily. I got the "Ballerina" sample set which includes some pink shades, all of which are very glittery which is fun for a night out. Not my usual go-to colors but they're  definitely complimentary.
4. Essential Elements Wake Up Rosemary Shower Gel - I love the scent but outside of it smelling nice I don't see anything majorly different between it and any other shower gel. I have to admit it made me laugh when I read the bottle (it was the immature part of me, don't judge) and it said Gel Douche. Please tell me I'm not the only one who would laugh at that!?!?
5. Dr. Lipp Original Nipple Balm for Lips - This one was a weird one for me. Nipple balm? For lips? Ok... Apparently it's supposed to be great for nursing mothers so all of you recently pregnant bloggers remember this! I must say it was a bit heavy in my opinion for my lips but I used it on my dry heels and it made a huge difference! It's definitely very moisturizing and this is probably great for winter!
 Has anyone tried any of these products before? If so what are your opinions??
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  1. I'm pretty sure I'd use the palette immediately!! The shower gel sounds great and yes I'd laugh at it being called a douche too!! I totally agree with you - those samples are crazy small...I have heard amazing things about the lip balm you got!

  2. That rollerball sounds like it smells so refreshing! I am not so sure about that lip balm though haha!! But I have to confess, I cancelled my BirchBox because I was just unimpressed with the samples! I hope it is getting better!


  3. I'm recently into serums after reading this article (in Glamour? I think?) about layering serums to boost your skin's health. :)
    Great review, girl!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  4. Haha you're definitely not the only one who would laugh at that name! My Birchbox this month was completely different than yours, and I have to admit that I'm a bit jealous of your products! Let's cross our fingers that they step up the sizes soon.

  5. I have never even heard of any of these, which is the big plus to BirchBox, finding brands and products you would never discover! I stopped getting mine because of the size and disliking what I was getting. I'm glad you got a good box!!

  6. who doesnt love a good eye palette? sometimes i feel like i should get this box again then i remind myself i can buy a drink with that money. also i just had too many samples everyyyyyyy where. :)

  7. I would totally laugh at Gel Douche too so don't worry! I always tell people that I'm five and always will be :-P

  8. ha! what they included nipple balm? that is a weird one unless its directed at mamas. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  9. I've tried the Coastal Scents as well and thought the same's like a mini Naked palette. This post would be great on the Celebrate Southern link up today! We'd love to have you join us!

    J @ Bless Her Heart Y'all

  10. Thank you for sharing!! I've been curious about Birchbox and have heard good things about Ipsy too.

  11. You're not alone, I would laugh at gel douche too! That eyeshadow palette looks lovely, you can totally wear shimmery shades during the day, or at least that's what I tell myself.

    prosecco in the park

  12. ooh i love seeing what is in these boxes. and omg at that name lol

  13. That serum sounds awesome! Love dry oils! Nipple balm? Hmm haha

    <3 Shannon

  14. I'm sorry I just started busting out laughing over the nipple cream.....ummmmmm you do put a profile request into birch box. I mean...... I was looking through all my samples the other day I swear I could start my own birch box company and supply for at least for a year ;-)

  15. I got the nipple balm in one of my birchboxes and love it!! I only use it at night right before I sleep because it's super thick but definitely hydrating!

  16. Great review! Kendra Scott giveaway on the blog!

  17. Glad you got some better products this month! I've heard great things about the Coastal Scents Revealed palette, so it's fun that you got a little sample of some of the shadows, even though they aren't what you'd typically wear.

  18. Nipple cream lip balm?! That is so weird. But it sounds like you got a pretty good box otherwise!

  19. That nipple cream lip balm...that's a new one! Loving that eye color palette -- I rarely buy new shades because I use the same ones all the time -- neutrals/browns look the best with my skin!
    xo Southern Style

  20. I haven't tried any of these products, but it looks like you got a good variety of things to try out which is nice I'm sure! Do you review your products to get the points towards full size products?

  21. That palette and the rollerball sound great! I'd have a hard time putting something called nipple balm on my lips!
    ~Elise @

  22. Nipple balm for lips? Don't let that fall out of your purse in a crowded area. lol kidding...I think I could use some for my heels as well.

  23. I haven't tried one of these boxes yet and I'm torn if I should or not. Keep hearing mixed reviews. And ummm nipple balm for lips?! lol

  24. I got the same nipple balm back when I had Birchbox, too! It made me laugh out loud when I saw it. I ended up cancelling mine after a year because I agreed with you... I felt like the boxes were more miss than hit. Glad that you are happy with this one though!

  25. That serum sounds intriguing, I love skincare samples!

  26. I've never gotten in on the Birchbox craze yet. I have been hesitant because of the uncertainty in the products they will send. I really appreciate seeing review though!

    La Joie de Vivre by Alecia Mariana
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  27. nipple balm?! wtf? thats hilarious. that eye palette looks good though! although i'm not a huge 'glittery' girl though.

  28. Love the pallete! Those colors are right up my alley! What's up with the nipple balm?! Lol!

  29. Hah definitely need to rip the Nipple Cream label off before that goes out in public - what a funny thing to throw in but hey, at least you can recommend it! You got some great goodies overall!

  30. Oh that palette looks great, definitely something I would use! Lol at the nipple balm! At least you found a good use for it!

    Clothes & Quotes

  31. I love the shades in the palette!

  32. The eye shadow palatte looks great! Looks like you have better products this month!

  33. I love that eye shadow palette! That looks like a winner!

  34. the serum name was really a got great items


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