Sequins and Sea Breezes: Weekending: Halloween Horror Nights

Weekending: Halloween Horror Nights


Happy Monday babes! Thanks for all the support and understanding last week. Things are still kinda up in the air for now but I'm trying to still have some fun and enjoy things when I can and Friday was one of those days. As annual passholders at Universal Studios, we decided to get the Frequent Fear Pass to attend Universal's Halloween Horror Nights. Friday was the first night of the event so we hopped on over after work to check it out. 

If you don't know, I'm a huge scaredy cat. I'm not really a fan of scary movies, I tend to be a bit nervous in the dark and I jump at almost everything so going to Halloween Horror Nights doesn't really seem like my thing but I actually love it.  It's scary but in a fun way and once I'm out of a house, it's more laughing than being scared. This year's theme is 80's horror so it has a bit more of a cheesy/tacky/slasher theme but it was still super fun. 

There are 10 houses this year and 5 scare zones. We only ended up making it through 3 houses and 4 scare zones on Friday but thanks to being right down the road and having our passes, we can easily go back after work to do the rest. The 3 we ended up going through were Slaughter Sinema, Dead Exposure: Patient Zero and Scary Tales: Deadly Ever After. Out of those 3, Dead Exposure was probably my favorite just due to the effects in the house. There are a lot of lighting effects that make your mind play tricks on you and it's hard to tell what's real and what's fake. Scary Tales was really fun and definitely my second favorite so far. It was interesting to see some of your favorite fairy tales be turned into something sinister and I have to admit, they got me good at the end. 

I can't wait to go back and check out the other houses. Poltergeist and of course Stranger Things are the two I'm looking forward to the most but both of those houses had over 100 minute waits on Friday so I'll have to check each of those out right away on another day. 

Have you ever been to HHN and if so, what's your favorite house? If not, do you think it's something you'd ever go to? 

*Linking up with Biana*

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  1. yay for halloween! and universal! glad y'all had fun even though it was uber hot out ha. hopefully you can make it to stranger things :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  2. I want to go to this so badly and have since I was a kid! I'm glad you posted this because we were tossing the idea around to go down to Universal next week and my kids would terrified out of their minds if we did, lol.

  3. Omg I bet that is SO fun! I love anything Halloween so I'm super jealous you get to celebrate in one of the best theme parks ever! Happy Wednesday friend!

    Rosy Outlook

  4. I'm such a scaredy cat too! But I'd be super pumped for Stranger Things!
    Green Fashionista

  5. Lol Im a HUGE wuss so I feel you on being a scaredy cat!

  6. I'm a scaredy cat too. I've only gone once and that was enough for me! They put on a great show but hate getting spooked and creeped up on from behind with chainsaws! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis


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