Happy Tuesday friends! I hope everyone had a fabulous long weekend! I'm actually still semi-weekending over here. I'm working from home this morning before heading up to Jacksonville for the evening so I'm going to keep this short and sweet so I can hit the road! So lets just call today's post a little photo dump of my long weekend, shall we?
Happy Friday babes! I decided to keep it a little lighter on the blog today since I know a lot of people are probably headed out of town for the long weekend or taking a little blogging break. I don't have any major plans this weekend but I will be gone Tuesday and Wednesday on a work related trip that I'll share with you later! But be sure to follow along with me on Instagram and Snapchat {pamelanicole84} because it should be a pretty crazy experience! I've been seeing a lot of bloggers "reintroducing" themselves and I've loved reading them so I thought I'd share 20 things you might not know about me on today's blog post!
1 // How tall are you?
For some reason this surprises a lot of people, especially when they know me through the blog but meet me in person for the first time. I'm 5'1"
2 // Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what?
I guess this could be considered a talent...I'm double jointed in my left elbow. It's hard to explain but a great party trick that everyone wants to see a few times to actually believe it ha!
3 // What’s your biggest blog-related pet peeve?
Hmm... I think I'd have to say people who don't reciprocate or just leave a generic comment. I remember once I was talking about some pretty deep stuff but I posted a picture of me in an outfit, I got FAR more comments of "Cute outfit!" than I did relating to the actual post. And don't get me wrong, I understand being busy and not always being able to comment back but if you consistently don't comment back, don't expect me to keep coming!
4 // What’s your biggest non-blog related pet peeve?
Probably the follow/unfollow thing on Instagram. SO freaking annoying. Don't follow me to have me follow you back then unfollow me and hope I don't notice.
5 // What’s your favorite song?
Oh jeez. I definitely have more than one but I'll try to narrow it down: Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol, Motorcycle Drive By - Third Eye Blind, Ashes of Eden - Breaking Benjamin and Red - Taylor Swift. I LOVE music though so I constantly have "favorites" that rotate but those are my forever go-to's.
6 // What’s something people wouldn't know by looking at you blog?
I'm actually pretty self-conscious. I love doing my blog but sometimes I get super uncomfortable shooting pictures. I can always tell by looking at them if there were people around watching or if I was alone.
7 // What’s your favorite way to spend your free time when you’re alone?
Read. When it's cooler out I'll spend my weekend mornings reading on my back porch with a cup of coffee or tea and in the summer I love to read by the pool.
8 // What’s your favorite junk food?
Anything with cheese. No seriously, pretty much anything. Cheetos, Cheez-Its, cheese dip, cheese and crackers, mac and cheese, cheese curds, cheese stuffed pretzels... and the list goes on.
9 // Do you have a pet or pets? If so, what kind and what are their names?
Sure do! I have a little boy Morkie (Yorkshire Terrier/Maltese mix) named Novie.
10 // What are your number one favorite nonfiction and fiction books?
I honestly don't know if I have a favorite. I've probably re-read The Royal We the most just because it's a cute, light, easy read but I wouldn't say it's my favorite.
11 // What’s your favorite beauty product?
Mascara. Wait. Does lip balm count? I never leave home without lip balm.
12 // When were you last embarrassed? What happened?
Pretty sure I embarrass myself every day, I'm just immune to it by now. Life is too short to take yourself too seriously so I just like to laugh and have fun.
13 // If you could only drink one beverage (besides water) for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I could live off of water and champagne, especially rosé.
14 // What’s your favorite movie?
Another one I don't really have a definitive answer for. I'll go with The Princess Bride or Labyrinth though.
15 // What were you in high school: prom queen, nerd, cheerleader, jock, valedictorian, band geek, loner, artist, prep?
I never really considered myself in a particular "clique" in high school. I was nominated for prom queen, I played an instrument (just not in band) and I was a dancer but I hung out with a bunch of different groups of people.
16 // If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
London or Key West. London is my favorite city but the beach has my heart.
17 // PC or Mac?
I've used both throughout my professional career but I personally have a PC.
18 // Do you collect anything?
The hearts of men... just kidding. Memories (in picture form). And shot glasses. Somehow that collection started without me even realizing it and now I have more than I'll ever need considering how often I do shots (almost never).
19 // Any tattoos?
19 // Any tattoos?
Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, nope! I've thought about it a few times and even gone into a tattoo parlor twice to get one but I'm still a blank canvas.
20 // What blogger do you secretly want to be best friends with?
It's definitely no secret that my real life bestie is someone I met through the blogging world so I'd definitely have to say Kerri! Duh! Biana is also someone I've met several times IRL now and I definitely consider her a great friend through blogging. Even though she lives in Boston and I live in Florida she probably knows more "secrets" about me than most of my non-blogger friends. I've gotten to meet so many wonderful ladies through blogging (seriously, if you're ever in Orlando let me know and I'll meet up!) but if I had to pick one I'm not currently friends with I'd probably have to say... Lauryn Evarts from The Skinny Confidential. She's gorgeous, hilarious and I love her style.
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Happy half-way day babes! I am SO excited for the long weekend coming up. I could use an extra day to relax and unwind a little more. I'm definitely a firm believer that every weekend should be a three day weekend but unfortunately I don't make the rules so here we are. I've only had two three day weekends so far this year and one of them was when I went to West Palm Beach a few weeks ago which is actually where I wore this outfit out!
If you follow me on Instagram you've seen this top on major repeat (sorry, not sorry) as it's definitely one of my favs for the warmer weather. I'm not usually one who can wear straps as teeny as these are or backless due to my inability to go braless but this top actually has a lot of support and is thick enough that I wasn't worried about it being see-through. The ruched waist definitely helps to suck it all in and the peplum bottom makes it super flattering for almost all figures. I have literally been wearing this shirt with everything I can on the weekends and when I found out it comes in stripes...well let's just say it's on it's way to my house as we speak. I'm definitely a sucker for anything striped, off the shoulder and/or peplum so I knew I wasn't going to be able to hold out. Do you have any spring or summer trends you just can't say no to?
*Linking up with Kelly*
Happy Monday friends! How do the weekends always seem to go by so quickly? Sometimes I feel like I blink and it's over. We didn't have any plans this weekend so we decided to head out to a local brewery and start the Central Florida Ale Trail. You might be wondering, what the heck is the Central Florida Ale Trail? Well, 16 different breweries in the Orlando area have teamed up to create the Central Florida Ale Trail. You start out at one (you can choose anyone you want to start and finish at) pick up a Ale Trail map and at each brewery you get a stamp that proves you enjoyed a beer at their location and when you've completed the entire trail you get a special growler celebrating your achievement. Sounds pretty simple right? That's because it is!
We decided to start the trail at a brewery we had never been to before, Central 28 Beer Company in Debary. A bit off the beaten path, Central 28 is a cute little family owned tasting room and brewery that opened almost 2 years ago. On tap they have several of their core year-round beers; Dancing Pierre, a Belgian-Style Pale Ale, Trekker Bier, a Farmhouse Ale, Up River, an American Pale Ale, The Flying Rivera Sisters, a Golden Ale, Ms. Mary Brown, a Brown Ale, and Little Wheel, an American IPA. I decided to go with the Dancing Pierre which was an easy sipper, perfect for the hot, sunny day. If you're not a beer fan, Central 28 also has red and white wines available and it's a very relaxed environment so it's kid-friendly!
Hope everyone has a fantastic week!
Happy Friday dolls! Hope everyone had a fabulous week. Mine was pretty chill... literally! If you follow me on Instagram or Snapchat you might have already saw that Kerri and I went and froze our little booties off, quite literally, at Chill Cryosauna. I had been interested in cryotherapy for awhile and after doing some reading and investigating about it I decided to give it a try and luckily Kerri was interested too! We actually did our first session about a month ago but I'm a genius and forgot my memory card in my camera so when we did our second I decided to document it and I figured today I'd share my experience (and a little more about cryotherapy) with you for anyone who was interested!
So let's start with what cryotherapy is. Cryotherapy exposes you to subzero temperatures in an effort to relieve pain and improve health. How cold is subzero? About -200 degrees Fahrenheit to be exact. Now I'm sure you're probably thinking "who in their right mind would want to subject themselves to temperatures that cold?!?", right? Well, I promise you I'm not crazy. I live in Florida so obviously I HATE the cold but I will say, I am obsessed with cryotherapy. It's crazy how energized and revived you feel after just one 3 minute session. Any muscle soreness you had going into the session will either be subsided or completely relieved, it's said to burn more calories than spending an hour running, your sleep is improved, your immune system is boosted and these are just a few of the reported benefits of cryotherapy. Ok, now on to what to expect...when you're expecting. Just kidding! You should not do cryotherapy while you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant.
Ok, now that I've gotten that PSA out of the way; when you show up for your cryo appointment you fill out some paperwork, confirm your blood pressure is in the acceptable range to participate in cryo and then they take you back to strip. Yup, cryo is done in your birthday suit friends. Well, you do put gloves and socks on but everything else is out there and exposed to the elements which I admit is a bit scary. Once you climb into the chamber you hand the employee your robe and they start the machine and it gets cold. Fast. The girl working the day we were there played music to try to distract us from just how cold it was and to help pass the time faster but no matter what you do, you're going to start trembling from the cold pretty quickly. We rotated 4 different times throughout the 3 minute session which in my opinion helped me from completely freezing and before you know it they're handing you your robe and you're done! One of the craziest things Kerri and I experienced was just how cold our skin stayed after the session. We went out for food and a drinks after and it felt like it took forever to warm back up despite it being in the 80's. If you're on the fence about trying cryo, I'd definitely say to give it a try! Let me know if you've tried it and what you think or if you have any other questions about cryotherapy!
Ok, now that I've gotten that PSA out of the way; when you show up for your cryo appointment you fill out some paperwork, confirm your blood pressure is in the acceptable range to participate in cryo and then they take you back to strip. Yup, cryo is done in your birthday suit friends. Well, you do put gloves and socks on but everything else is out there and exposed to the elements which I admit is a bit scary. Once you climb into the chamber you hand the employee your robe and they start the machine and it gets cold. Fast. The girl working the day we were there played music to try to distract us from just how cold it was and to help pass the time faster but no matter what you do, you're going to start trembling from the cold pretty quickly. We rotated 4 different times throughout the 3 minute session which in my opinion helped me from completely freezing and before you know it they're handing you your robe and you're done! One of the craziest things Kerri and I experienced was just how cold our skin stayed after the session. We went out for food and a drinks after and it felt like it took forever to warm back up despite it being in the 80's. If you're on the fence about trying cryo, I'd definitely say to give it a try! Let me know if you've tried it and what you think or if you have any other questions about cryotherapy!
*Linking up with Amanda*
Happy Humpday babes! Hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far! I've had a very busy past few weeks so I am looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend this weekend. My fingers are crossed that the weather will be nice and I can get some pool time in because after looking at these pictures from a few weeks ago I feel like Casper! I even had self tanner on and I still feel like I'm slightly blending in with the background on some of these. I know I shouldn't complain since I live in Florida and and probably tanner than most but it is rather funny to me when my nude shoes blend in with my legs ha!
Ok, now onto the outfit! I have such a love/hate relationship with rompers. They look super cute, they're easy to throw on and look put together and they're great for a casual day adventure or a night out but my biggest issue is they make using the bathroom pretty uncomfortable. I've said this before but there's something incredibly awkward about basically getting completely naked to go pee when you're out in public. Nonetheless, I still can't say no to a cute romper so when I saw this one I knew I was just going to have to put up with the awkwardness of peeing in public and get it. Between the gingham print, the cute little cut out and it has pockets, this is the perfect romper for spring and summer. I wore this out for dinner and drinks at The Breakers in West Palm Beach (side note, if you're going to practically get naked in a public bathroom, The Breakers definitely have the bathroom to be in!) and it ended up getting a bit chilly so I threw an oversized boyfriend cardigan over the top and it was still super cute. Be prepared to see this on major repeat, especially as the days keep getting hotter and I keep getting too lazy to put together a cute outfit to go out in ;)
Happy Monday friends! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and all of the momma's out there had a wonderful Mother's Day. I was lucky enough to have gotten to spend another Mother's Day with my mom since she was in town so I treated her to a facial then lunch in Winter Park. Both of my parents are huge fans of Irish pub fare so after my mom's facial I knew just where to take them, Fiddler's Green!
This is definitely an Orlando gem if you're a fan of Irish food. This popular local spot is guaranteed to not only offer a great time, but great food and drinks. Featuring traditional Irish eats, plenty to drink, darts and live music, Fiddler's Green transports you to a little piece of Ireland without leaving Florida. We got lucky and it was relatively quiet when we got there so we didn't have to wait to be seated but on an average Friday or Saturday night you can expect a wait and on St. Patrick's Day, you might as well forget it unless you plan on getting there around 7:30 am! The portions are definitely on the bigger side (I swear I'm still full!) as you can see below. We decided to split potato pancakes and bangers and mash (my favorite) and we had MORE than enough for the two of us. If you're ever in the mood for traditional Irish food and you find yourself in the Orlando area, I definitely recommend Fiddler's Green!
tee // shorts // necklace // shoes
*Linking up with Biana*
tee // shorts // necklace // shoes
*Linking up with Biana*
Happy Friday dolls! Another one bites the dust! Weeks that is, just to clarify. My parents are in town this weekend so I'm excited to get to spend some time with them and go out to dinner tonight. Is anyone doing anything fun this weekend or have any special plans for Mother's Day? My little weekend getaway to West Palm Beach last weekend has definitely gotten me in the vacation/summer spirit and living in Florida there are two things you MUST have during the summer; sunscreen and sunglasses.
The sun is crazy strong down here so you need to protect yourself and that includes your eyes! My eyes are pretty sensitive to the light anyway so I am sunglasses obsessed, in fact, one of the main reasons I got lasik was so that I could wear sunglasses and still see since I had so many issues with contacts. So today I'm rounding up some of my favorite sunglasses ranging from $10 to $250 so there's something for everyone and they'll be perfect for your next vacation in the sun!

*Linking up with Amanda*
Happy Wednesday babes! Hope everyone is having a great week so far. I've been trying to get back to the gym this week but it's been rough. With all the travel I've been doing I really got off track and I feel like I'm in a bit of a gym rut. Does anyone have any awesome workouts or suggestions to help me get back on track? Anyway, enough of my gym woes... please tell me Florida is not the only crazy state that skipped right over spring and went into summer? Our high today is supposed to be 97 degrees so I'm already breaking out all the summer outfits.
I am so happy that off the shoulder tops and dresses are still in style this year because they are perfect for hot summer days. This top is one of my favs because the material is lightweight so it's nice and flowy and it's black. Now, I know what you're thinking. Black is supposed to be hotter, right? While this may be true, at least it hides the sweat marks! Sorry, getting a little too real here. I digress. Be prepared to see these shorts on major repeat. I picked them up during the Shopbop sale and while they were a little more than I'd usually spend on shorts, I absolutely love them and will totally be buying another pair. The cut makes your legs look so long and they don't stretch out or lose their shape while wearing them. Definitely my favorite pair of shorts for the season! Hope everyone has a wonderful rest of the week!
Happy Monday friends! Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! I got back fairly late last night so instead of doing a normal weekending post I'm going to do a bit of a photo dump of my trip down to West Palm Beach over the weekend. It was really nice to take a day off (my first of the year!) and have a nice little getaway that was close enough to home that we could drive but far enough away that it felt like a break. I know I just got back from Vegas but we only had one free night in Vegas so it never actually felt like a break. It definitely was far more interesting than I had planned but we had a blast, the weather was absolutely gorgeous and I think West Palm Beach might have stolen a bit of my heart. Years ago when I first moved to Florida, I envisioned palm tree lined roads every where, beaches and blue skies but in reality Orlando doesn't have that many palm trees, no beaches and while we do have plenty of blue skies, it never felt like the Florida I had imagined. WPB was definitely the Florida I always imagined. Ok, enough chit chat, let's jump into some photos!
*Linking up with Biana*