Sequins and Sea Breezes: Blue + Yellow Aztec {Plus A Little Rant}

Blue + Yellow Aztec {Plus A Little Rant}


I want to start off this post by apologizing for two things. First, I'm sorry I didn't comment back on any one's comments last night. I hate not responding and I always feel like such a jerk when I don't but I had a bit of a crazy night. Second, I want to apologize for not editing these pictures at all for the same reason. I should have had this post more put together and ready to go before last night but I procrastinated (like always) and then had some issues come up so now I'm scrambling.
To give you a bit of background on last night, it started out with me leaving work to go to the dentist for my bi-annual cleaning. Already quite possibly my LEAST favorite thing to do but I had plans to go out to dinner with my best friend on our monthly date night at Chili's after so at least I had something to look forward to. If you follow me on Instagram you already saw the ridiculous assortment of fried food we had for dinner (which is a regular occurrence for us any way) not to mention the wine. Near the end of dinner I get a text saying "I don't want to freak you out or ruin your dinner but Novie was attacked by the neighbor's dog"  *Commence freak out now* My friend was awesome and immediately was like "Ok, you need to go now" and kinda took charge of things because of course I'm absolutely freaking out, I'm about 40 minutes away from my dog and I don't know how bad it is.  38 agonizing minutes later (and a frantic phone call to my mom) I finally get to see my fur baby in all his heavily medicated glory. He's going to be ok, thankfully, and I realize it could have been MUCH worse than it was but I'm still beyond angry, upset and frustrated with my neighbor. There is a leash law in the county I live in so it's against the law for any dog to be off a leash and of course her 70 lb dog was off a leash (keep in mind, my dog is 15 lbs and WAS on a leash on my front porch when the attack took place). I made her pay Novie's vet bill, which she agreed upon but not without massive attitude, but the thing that really gets me is that she never even apologized. What kind of person doesn't apologize for their dog attacking another to the point of it needing to go to the vet? I apologize when Novie growls at someone! I definitely learned that class, tact and manners are NOT her strong suit. </end rant>

Ok, now on to the outfit. I got this dress on a random impulse buy from Target. I went in for one specific thing and left with $50 worth of stuff, as always, and this dress was part of my haul. At first I was iffy about the bottom since it has two slits up the front and it's partially sheer at the bottom (not usually my style) but I'm obsessed with the colors and the pattern so I went with it. I decided to go kinda casual and wear it with a pair of black wedges and super minimal jewelry. Keeping it casual and cool :) 

Thanks for listening to my rant and I hope you guys forgive me for being a bad follow up blogger. I promise I won't make a habit of it!

dress: target / wedges: wet seal {old, similar here} / sunglasses: tory burch / clutch: express {old, similar here} / necklace: etsy / watch: michael kors / bracelets: alex & ani {initial and starfish
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  1. So sorry about your doggie - thankfully the pup is ok and you're totally right that woman has no sense of responsibility!!! Love your dress!! great print!

  2. Aw poor Novie!!! Is he ok?! How did the dog hurt him?! Ugh I can't believe she didn't apologize to you!! Love this dress btw! I tried on the crop top and skirt set version of that collection but it was huge for some reason!!

    <3 Shannon

    1. Yeah, he's gonna be ok. It's sad when he's hopped up on the pain meds though. I can't believe she didn't apologize either, so annoying! I tried on the set and it was big on me too! :(

  3. I am so sorry about your dog!!!!! That would drive me up the wall - I am so happy he is okay. <3

  4. Poor Novie and what a terrible neighbor!!! So thankful your pup is okay girl...and you look great in the posts :)! Xx.

    1. I know, definitely looking for a new place soon! Thanks Hope, I appreciate it!! :)

  5. Gosh that is just so rude! I am sorry you had to go through that - it really bothers me when I see dogs without leashes on, it's so irresponsible!


    1. I completely agree Abby! It's just a bad idea on so many levels! The dog could run out in front of a car and get hurt or hurt another dog/human. Just not a good practice in my opinion. Thanks!

  6. Oh no Pamela I'm so sorry to hear about your puppy!! Some people just don't know compassion or common courtesy. It is such a scary feeling when your fur baby is sick! I'm so glad Novie is going to be ok! But you look fab is your pictures :) I love that dress!


  7. You look really fantastic in this dress! I love it! *o*

    I hope that you visit my blog too: SPIKED-SOUL.BLOGSPOT.COM and please click on SHEINSIDE inscription above photos in latest post! JUST CLICK! THANK YOU!
    Have a nice day!

  8. Wow is an amazing outfit you look beautiful. Have a blessing weekend.

  9. Beautiful outfit! And I can't believe your neighbor. I'm pissed just from reading this. If someone else's dog attacked mine and he got hurt I would be out of my mind! I had something like that almost happen once, I was walking my dog and two neighborhood dogs had gotten out of their back yard. Thankfully a UPS man saw the dogs try to attack us and jumped out of his truck and saved us! I was shaken up for a couple days and neither of us even got hurt! I hope your dog is back to normal soon!

    1. Thanks Lauren!! OMG it's such a good thing that the UPS guy was there to step in! And it's great that he was nice enough to, I feel like so many people today wouldn't put themselves in danger to help an animal! He's definitely already acting better today so I'm happy about that. Hopefully he'll be back to normal in a few days!

  10. You look SO pretty! I love whole outfit and your hair looks amazing! I love the place you took the pictures, it looks so beautiful. Love from Brazil xx :)

  11. Wow...this is a gorgeous outfit dear...looking super pretty on your...:-)

  12. You and that dress are gorgeous! I'm so glad your baby is going to be ok first off. That is disgusting that she never apologized and gave you attitude. I am with you, I apologize if my dog barks or growls at anyone, I would be completely mortified if she sent someones dog to the vet. The major issue with so many people these days, they absolutely can't take any responsibility for any wrongdoing. I'm sure she's got it in her head that is wasn't really her or her dogs fault.... That's terrible. Sorry that happened to you!

    1. Aww thank you so much Mia! I completely agree. People don't want to take responsibility for any wrong doing so instead of taking responsibility they just place blame. So sad. My dog definitely isn't an angel but I'm always mortified when he acts up and I always apologize and he's definitely never come close to sending another dog to the vet!

  13. Oh my gosh! That sounds horrible! You are the second person I've heard from in a week who has a dog who has been attacked...and then the owner of the attacker didn't even apologize! My blood is boiling and I don't even have a dog (I DO have a cat so I know what it's like to be a fur baby owner). I hope your little one feels better soon!

    1. OMG really Whitney? That's horrible!!! I hate to know this happened to someone else! Thank you so much! :)

  14. So beautiful dress! You look perfect!
    It's horrible what happened to your dog, I hope he's ok now.

  15. Love the blue and yellow! Absolutely stunning!!
    xo TJ

  16. Omgsh poor Novie!! I am SOOO glad he is ok--that had to be so scary! And you neighbor sounds like a real piece of work--but like you said at least now you know how NOT to act towards people. WOW. I always feel so bad when I can't answer peoples comments too--but I think people totally understand that bloggers appreciate the comments and do their best to get back to them--but life can get crazy! I think an injured dog is MORE than a good excuse ;)


    1. I'm glad too Tori! I don't know what I would do if something really bad happened to him or heaven forbid, I lost him. I'd be completely devastated! Thanks for the kind words! :)

  17. Oh no girl!!!!! I was about to say if she didn't pay for your vet bill I know a good lawyer who would be writing her a very strongly worded letter ;-) WTF????? That is so awful my blood is boiling for you!!! I'm glad to know she is doing okay......side bar that dress looks amazing on you and I think I may need to swing by Target to grab it. How is the top? Is it comfortable??? xoxoxo

    1. Haha good to know for the future! I'll definitely keep that in mind. Something tells me she isn't going to just let this go. She acted like I didn't even exist this morning leaving for work. The dress actually is comfortable! It's stretchy in the back so it doesn't feel like it's super constricting. With the lining at the top of the skirt it's a little warm but not bad. Thank you love!!! <3

  18. Omgeee! I hope novie recovers soon. I llovveee ur outfit!!!

    Love vini

  19. That sounds horrible! I am glad she was willing to pay for the vet though. She seems so rude!!

    1. Thanks Darcy! Me too! I definitely didn't want to get into a huge war with her which is why I didn't file a report about it but I definitely think it was only fair that she paid the vet bill!

  20. Love the dress, babe! It's gorgeous on you.

    I'm so sorry Novie was attacked! I would be beside myself with fear/anger (I have three rat terriers who are essentially my children, ha) were I in your place! And your neighbor couldn't even apologize?! Totally rude. Wishing your pup a speedy recovery!


  21. I love that dress! It reminds me of a skirt I have, but it's so elegant <3

  22. This dress is so pretty! And I love the wedges you paired it with!
    And that's so awful about your dog :( Some people really have no class and don't care about a single thing besides themselves! They just can't do any wrong *sarcasm*. I'm so glad your fur baby will be okay!

    xo Kylie

  23. Stunning dress. *__*
    Lovely greets Nessa

  24. I wanted this dress so bad but they were out of my size! I got the crop top instead, but this looks fabulous on you!

  25. Beautiful look! Thanks for the comment on my blog! :)


  26. love your sense of fashion!
    Kisses from Miami,

  27. This maxi is seriously everything! Love it.

    Brittani and Katie

  28. This dress is simply perfect!

  29. Love this maxi! You look beautiful as always!!
    <3 Rach & Sho


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