Sequins and Sea Breezes: Friday Five: Birthday Edition

Friday Five: Birthday Edition


Happy Friday dolls! Cheers to making it through the first week of summer!  As I've already mentioned at least 100 times it's my birthday this weekend so I'm super excited for Friday to be over so I can start the celebrations! I'm getting my hair done after work today (trust me, it needs it) and then the festivities start tomorrow. So for this Friday Five I decided to do a birthday edition. 

Meet At The Barre

{Just for the beginning... go shawty, it's ya birthday!}

{Not sure how I feel about this song yet but it's titled Birthday so it's appropriate... I think}

1. Just a few of my favorite birthday memories! From doing shots in my house before playing mini golf to going out downtown and deciding my feet hurt so someone needs to carry me... all fun memories! 

2. My favorite birthday present. Ever. I got Novie for my birthday in 2007 and I fell in love with him the moment I saw him. I mean seriously, look at that cute little fuzzy face! How can you not want to squeeze it? :)

3. My favorite birthday cake! I'm not much of a sweets person but I love strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting. SO good. Oh and it doesn't hurt that it's pink (no pink isn't my favorite color but it makes a cake look pretty!)

4. My favorite birthday drink. I think I might be growing out of this one but for the longest time my favorite drink to drink on my birthday was a Bellini. Last year was the first year I didn't have one on my birthday but it ended up getting replaced with tequila shots. I guess that's what you get when you go to a Mexican restaurant for your birthday!

5. One of my favorite birthday/growing older quotes. It's so easy to forget that growing older isn't necessarily a bad thing. I've lost so many friends and family throughout my life that I try to appreciate every day I get and remember that so many people might not even make it to the age I am now. I'm appreciative of every year I get to spend happy and healthy.

On that note, I hope everyone has an absolutely fabulous weekend! And... 

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  1. Happy birthday weekend!! Have so much fun!! Your dog is adorable!!

  2. Happiest of birthday's to you dear!! Hope you have a fabulous time celebrating and I hope you get to relive that night your feet hurt so bad from dancing!! xo

  3. Happy birthday! And now I want some cake....

    I am in Florida too! What part are you in?

  4. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one and eat some of that delicious looking cake! :)

    Found you through the link, btw.

  5. happy birthday girl! see you sun! also love those last two quotes. good friday roundup! xoxo

  6. yeah!!!!!!! I hope you have a fabulous birthday weekend!!!! I had this post idea to do my birthdays throughout my 20's but shoot some of them are just not blogland appropriate ;-) Oh girl I would squeeze him till him made a noise....but I have problems. Happy early Birthday!!! So what is going to be the big birthday purchase gift to yourself? ;-) xoxoxo

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! May your day be filled with strawberry cake and bellinis YUM!

  8. Have a great Birthday weekend! Your doggy is too cute!! And that birthday cake oh how I wish I could eat cake right now lol

  9. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great weekend! That strawberry cake looks delish!

  10. happy birthday weekend! i hope you have a blast!

  11. That pup is so adorable!! Happy Birthday weekend!

  12. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!!!!!! xoxo *clink*

  13. Happy Birthday weekend! how sweet is your pup?! and strawberry cake just might be my favorite. Hope you have the best birthday yet! xo

  14. Happy Happy Birthday!! Enjoy your weekend and celebrate BIG!!!

    xx. Michelle

  15. Great way to start off your birthday weekend! I hope you have a great weekend!

  16. Awe, I love that your puppy was a birthday gift! I hope you have a blast this weekend - be safe and live it up! Happy Birthday!

  17. Woo hoo can't wait to celebrate!!! Throwin it way back with those pics haha!! You're getting a Bellini for sure!

    <3 Shannon

  18. Hope you have a wonderful weekend and a very happy birthday!!

  19. Yayyyy happy birthday weekend!! I hope it is wonderful and filled with all of your favorite things :)


  20. Happy birthday weekend!!! I hope you have the best birthday ever! Dance around to "Birthday" and put sprinkles on everything, l promise it makes everything better on your birthday! Aw sweet little Novie, love him. Can't wait to see pics Monday :)

  21. Happy birthday to you! Cute pup!

  22. happy happy birthday weekend! enjoy every moment!!

  23. Have the best birthday weekend ever girly!! Can't wait to hear about it!

    xo Kylie

  24. yay birthday weekend! happy birthday lady! also, that pic of the guys carrying you - love it! love that birthday quote as well, so true. we whine and complain about wrinkles but so many people don't even get to grow up... sad face. meanwhile that cake looks amazing.

  25. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fabulous weekend! xx

  26. Happy birthday! Time for Bellinis again! 50 Cent will NEVER get old, no matter what birthday it is hah. Cheers!

  27. Happy Birthday!!!! That quote about getting older being a privledge is so perfect! Love it! Strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting sounds amazing! I hope someone makes you some! ;)

  28. Happy birthday weekend! Hope you have a great weekend!!


  29. Yay! I'm hope you have the most fabulous of birthdays and get to enjoy some yummy strawberry cake!!!


  30. Have the best birthday everrrrrr!

  31. Omgsh I totally bet Novie was the best bday present ever--sooo cute! Have a most wonderful weekend celebrating!! Happy Birthday love bug :)


  32. Yay, happy birthday girl!! And little Novie looks like the best birthday gift!
    xo TJ

  33. Happy, happy birthday pretty girl!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend celebrating!! xoxo

  34. Happy Birthday! I wish you will have a wonderful weekend. Anyways, would you like to follow each other via GFC and other social medias? Follow me then and do let me know:)

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  35. Happy Birthday weekend to you!!! I'm all for stretching that birthday celebration throughout the weekend :) And ommmggg your pup is so cute! Definitely the best gift ever. :D

  36. Happy FREAKING Birthday! Hope you're having a bomb-ass time this weekend! And don't forget to take lots of pictures to add to next year's birthday post!!!

  37. Love the throwback pictures! Happy belated Birthday!!! Hope you had a wonderful day :) Can't wait to hear all about it!

  38. Awh, your dog is so cute :)

  39. I'm glad you had a great birthday! :)


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