Sequins and Sea Breezes: Friday Five

Friday Five


Happy Friday love bugs! Made it through yet another week and just like that, we're almost out of January! Hopefully that means warmer weather is on the way soon for all my northern (that's pretty much everyone not here in Florida with me) friends! Being almost out of January also means one of my blogger besties, Amanda, is ALMOST to her wedding day!! Eeeeekkkk! I don't know about you but I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about her big day but for now I'm linking up with her for our Friday Favorites!

1. So now that it appears I'm going to become a train commuter most of the week I'm looking for a bigger bag that I can carry my laptop or at least my iPad with me as well as a few other essential items that I normally wouldn't keep with me. I love this Tory bag (how could you not?) but I also love a few other bags like this one, this one and this one. Any suggestions from my bigger purse carrying friends? I'm usually a small bag carrier so I'm pretty lost right now!

2. I got this adorable Sugar Paper planner from Target this week and I'm obsessed. Pink is quite possibly the farthest from my favorite color but this little planner is just too cute to be bothered by the fact I'm not a huge pink fan. 

3. I am obsessed with layers lately. Layered rings, layered clothes and especially layered necklaces. Could this layered look be any more perfect?!? Seriously if someone loves me they'll get me a dainty gold shark's tooth necklace to add to my collection asap! ;) 
4. I made this amazing pasta dish this week and I already can't wait to make it again. 20 minutes and one pot?! The perfect easy weeknight meal!

5. Yup, I'm still very much so summer dreaming so when I saw this bikini on Pinterest I fell in love. Darn you Mara Hoffman for making the most amazing swimwear ever. Hurry up summer, I'm ready for pool/beach time, amazing tans and cute bikinis!

Hope everyone has an amazing weekend.... or at least more exciting than mine! Be prepared for Instagram updates (if it looks ok) on how the floors are coming along! Wish me luck!!

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  1. That quote is perfection. Any day ending in champs is a good day!

    Love the bag and the layered look, so fashionable. That pasta looks amazing, too!

    Hope you have a fabulous Friday, fabulous friend! :)

  2. I love my Target planner! It's been so helpful so far this year. I can't wait to see what bag you decide on. Have a great weekend!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  3. Everyone's been talking about those Target planners. Yours is adorable! That swimsuit is also super fun, too. If only it would warm up so you could wear it!!
    Hope you have a good weekend girl! Good luck with those floors!!!

  4. I pretty much need to make that recipe asap - one pot yes please!! Love the new idea for the tote - The TB bag I just got is so roomy and can carry ANYTHING!!! Happy Friday and good luck with the floors!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  5. Happy Friday! That pasta dish looks amazing! Right up my alley. My husband doesn't like tortellini though...not even normal. That quote will remain one of my faves(the champagne) and you totally need that bikini! It would look great on you! xo Have the a great weekend Pamela!

  6. ohh i love that bag + bathing suit!! have a great weekend! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  7. I am right there with you - so ready for the warmer weather & summer months to get here! That bathing suit is too perfect. Hurry up summer!

  8. Great Minds think alike, I have a Mara suit on my blog today too! Sold out! Boo!! Love that Tori bag and obsessed with those layered necklaces and that fun floral top! Happy Friday love!

  9. The quote is perfect, but I am def needing those layered necklaces!! Have a great weekend!

    xx, Leah / Eat Pray Wear Love

  10. Love that bag!! That would be perfect for carrying all your necessities! Omg I've been dying over the Mara Hoffman bikinis! Why do they have to be so expensive?! Ugh! Have a good weekend! good luck with the floors! Send me a pick when it's done!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  11. I have that recipe pinned! I'm glad to hear that you liked it...I'll definitely be making it soon then!

  12. I love that bag, but the Gigi Teddi tote is an awesome work bag! Light and easy to get things in and out of (and on big sale!) Hope the floors are going well!! xo

  13. You can't go wrong with Sugar Paper planners regardless of the color! :) Good luck with the floors, lady!

  14. pasta and planners---seriously two of my fave things. i'm serious!

  15. So glad you made and liked the tortellini!! It's on my list to make this weekend. I love that bag and the planner is cute too! Hope you have a good weekend!!

  16. I love sugar planners, they are the best. I use mine everyday. That tory bag would be a great commuter bag. I use her York tote as my work bag. Love it so much as it has so many pockets. Keeps my nice and organized. Have a great weekend.

  17. love champagne. love those necklaces. love that tory. pretty much loving this post! happy friday :)

  18. Love everything about this! I need the Tory and I need the necklaces...amazing! And I have the Sugar Paper planner too (in gold) and just love it! Happy Weekend, girl!
    xo Southern Style

  19. That planner is completely adorable, and so is that bikini! I need to go shopping for some new suits this weekend to prep for my upcoming Florida vacay (so jealous of you lucky ladies who get to enjoy that sunshine year-round!). Happy Friday :)

  20. Well I pretty much want that bag, necklace and bathing suit now! LOL! Darn you for tempting me ;)

  21. Loving that bikini, and that planner! Great picks!!! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  22. Mara Hoffman really does have the best bathing suits! I saw those planners at Target and absolutely love them...they have so many other great options as well! Hope you have a wonderful weekend Pamela!

    Clothes & Quotes

  23. Ending the day with champagne sounds like my kind of day!! That bikini is super cute!! Have a fab weekend!!

  24. Ughhhhh why does her stuff have to be so expensive??? I literally love every single piece but the bathing suit line this Summer is killing it! I think I may have to splurge on at least a top! That bag is gorgeous but telling you from the ultimate bag lady over here......thick straps for sure.

  25. I am so ready for summer, sigh. I love that planner you got! I wish I needed one, lol. And I love that bag - I think you should for sure get that one :)

  26. I love TB, but she is so out of my budget, haha! And yes, one pot and under 30 minutes for a meal? That is the perfect dinner.
    Have a great weekend love!

  27. That Tory bag looks like it'd be great for commuting and Mara Hoffman really does make the cutest swimwear. I hope you have a great weekend!

    prosecco in the park

  28. Love love love those layered necklaces. I ordered some and I can't wait for them to get delivered! Love the bikini too but I think you're just making it more difficult to suffer through this depressing weather we have right now in NC. xoxo

  29. I seriously love every single one of these things--I LOVE pink and now am totally going to be on the hunt for that planner :) Plus, now I kinda wish I had a commute so just so I had a good excuse to buy that Tory--so cute!!


  30. What a great new planner I love Sugar Paper LA products I am so happy that they now have products avalible at Target!
    Xo Miss Erin
    See what I have to say at:

  31. That layered look is totally you. Time to start shark teeth-hunting next time you're at the beach ;) Happy weekend!

  32. I love that quote!! Those necklaces look fabulous layered together. Have a great weekend, Pamela! xx

  33. I have a bag of tortellini in my fridge that I've been wanting to make, and now I have the perfect recipe - thanks! And I hear ya about the big work bag situation, though I'm also on the hunt for one, so I'm no help, haha! Have a great weekend! xoxo

  34. That pasta looks delicious. I love layered necklaces but have the hardest time doing it and making it look good. I just got a planner from Target too but it is nowhere near as cute as yours. jeal.

  35. this post just makes me wanna go shopping. i really need a bag that can double duty the purse and laptop but i always have such a big purse. love the layered necklaces! i just got some more accessories today and doesn't that just make a girl feel better? :) happy weekend love!

  36. That purse is gorgeous! I have a white and gold sugar paper planner that I am in love with! I hope yours is wonderful for you too!

    I really like the layered necklace look, but I always have a hard time layering my own. I think I need a few more pieces!!! Have a great weekend!

  37. LOVE the bag! I've got all sorts of diaper bag recommendations for ya.... HA! I really love Michael Kors bags! So many different size options! That's the bag I finally transitioned out of the diaper bag with! Smaller, but still big enough to hold all the extras I need when Mia's out with me (and perfect size for my camera when Mia's not with me!)

  38. How are you liking the Sun Rail? Aren't the Sugar Paper planners fabulous?! Plus you can't beat the price :)

    Ending the day with champs sounds like the best idea ever, count me in!

    Happy Friday gurlie, good luck with the floors <3

  39. You're right, Mara Hoffman has THE cutest patterned swimsuits and this one is too cute! And I got a Sugar Paper planner too- it's the white monthly/notes one that I just use for blogging and it's too cute! Hope you have a fab weekend :)

  40. Seriously! Mara Hoffman bathing suits always make me swoon! And love that bag! You should check out Cuyana though. I have a tote that I use for my laptop. It's sturdy enough and fashionable enough that it can be my work bag. I beat it up too, and it looks brand new! xo

  41. I love your 5! That tory bag is soo cute, and I love that planner!
    Melanie @

  42. I have a similar bag and use it all the time. And that tortellini dish looks so good!

  43. 20 minute one pot recipe!?! yes please! Love that bikini and that planner! :) Thanks for sending up northerner's some well wishes for warmer weather! Soon! Hopefully!


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