Sequins and Sea Breezes: Taking A Breather

Taking A Breather


Hey ya'll! Sorry for being MIA yesterday! Work was extremely hectic. I'm talking imagine a huge crisis on the second day of your second week that you're getting thrown into hectic. Unfortunately that issue is carrying over to today as well so I figured it'd be best for me to just take a little hiatus today and hopefully things will calm down by tomorrow and I can rejoin my little corner of the blogisphere happily! Until them I'm taking a little page from Stacy and posting some motivational quotes.... more for me than anything but hopefully you guys enjoy them too!

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  1. Great quotes! I hope everything smoothes out for you at work!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. Love the quotes! Hope work calms Dow a bit for you xo

  3. You can do this girl - have a great day!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  4. love quotes and collect like them like a shameless magpie! i hear ya on being stressed!

  5. Ive always loved the quote about learning to dance in the rain!
    I hope that today smooths out for you and you're able to relax a bit tomorrow (or at least enjoy some blogging!) :)

  6. yikes! i hope everything at work calms down soon!! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  7. Sorry things were so hectic, but you've got this gurlie! Hoping today will be better *hugs* :)

  8. I feel yah on the crazy!!!! Deep breaths! Love these quotes! xoxoxo

  9. you got this girl! the newness and then something stressful happening is a recipe for craziness. i'm here for you! love u! xoxoxo

  10. You can do it!!! You always find a way to figure it out! Hopefully after today it will be smooth sailing for a while! And I always love that dancing in the rain quote!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  11. Love the quotes! Hope you get some you time later on!

  12. Great quotes! Everybody needs a little pick-me-up now and then. Good luck at work!

  13. Great quotes. I love the doubt one. I probably pinned that in various forms so many times seriously a great quote!

  14. I'm needing these as well! Hope today is better than yesterday! I had a crazy busy week last week as I have new responsibility that was incredibly overwhelming! But you'll get through it -- I have faith!
    xo Southern Style

  15. you never need to apologize! life happens. love these quotes. hope it gets better soon!!!

  16. Keep your head up girl, you got this :)

  17. Love all these...great reminders! Good luck with everything Pamela!

    Clothes & Quotes

  18. Great quotes! I'm a sucker for quotes! Hopefully things settle down soon! Good luck!

  19. Yikes! Sounds like things are a bit crazy for you girly! Good luck! I'm sure it will all turn out well.

  20. i am sorry you've been busy and whatnot but i'm secretly glad that when i opened this and saw you were taking a break from just today and not for like ever, i was like phew! i'd miss you ;) love the quotes girly, especially the last one!

  21. We have all had weeks like that--it makes me a little nutty--sounds like taking a little break is just what you need to relax :) These quotes are such good inspiration!


  22. Quotes are my absolute favorite! And everyone definitely needs a breather once in a while, especially with a crisis happening!

    xo Kylie

  23. These quotes are great I am sending you positive thoughts.
    Xo Miss Erin
    See what I have to say at:

  24. "Train your mind to see the good in everything." I love that! And really needed to hear that today. Hope everything at work gets resolved quickly and as stress-free as possible!

  25. oh no that doesn't sound good!! Hope everything gets cleared up today! Sounds scary!

  26. Love all these quotes!! Hope tomorrow is a better day.

  27. I will miss you so hurry back! But in the meantime, catch up on life and all the craziness that happens. xx


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