Sequins and Sea Breezes: Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging


Happy Tuesday everyone! I'm still trying to get out of "vacation mode" and get back into the swing of things at work today. You wouldn't believe how many e-mails I came into today after being out technically just one day! Crazy! So while I'm playing catch up and trying not to run out the door and straight back to Key West I'm taking a little blogging break today. BUT you can check me out guest blogging over at Pinky's little corner of the blogging universe so be sure to check me out over there! I'll return tomorrow for our regularly scheduled programming ;) Or something like that... haha! Hope everyone had a fabulous long weekend!

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  1. i hate when i come back from a long weekend to a bunch of emails. it's like, why were all those people working?!

  2. Oh coming back to emails is never fun!! I love all your favorite places!! I haven't been to cincy but it looks awesome from your pictures! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Have a fabulous time away!!! xx


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